Well, it has been a long time since my last post.. I have not been making fishing lures as of late..
I do have 60 wood lure blanks to finish but I have been preoccupied with a new hobby..
Yes thats right, I took to carving wood with a chainsaw recently..
I took a one day lesson from Rick "Cowboy" Cox of R & S Woodcarving..
Here is a few photos of my days accomplishments.. Ok, so I am no professional, that much is for certain.. But I certainly had a great time.. I spent 9 hours with Rick, and tried to absorb as much info as I could.. I went home, ( an 80 minute drive), and by the time I got home it felt like every bone & muscle in my body was either stiff, sore, aching or worn out..Hahaha..
Here is a bear and an eagle head I did with Rick..
A great guy and a great experience for me..
I hope to practice and Improve !